Inspired to Be Authentic

An Inner Journey to Finding Love, with Nick Burgett

Matt Landsiedel Episode 27

In this episode I speak with author, speaker and spiritual guide Nick Burgett. He teaches us his secrets to finding love by taking the journey within ourselves. Nick teaches us tips from his latest book, How to Find Love - A Journey Within: 7 Simple Principles to Experience Everlasting Love. He shares his own personal struggle through suffering a lack of life purpose and how that led to his spiritual awakening that has enabled him to live from a place of unconditional love for himself and others. Love is the way and Nick shows us how to start to live from this place. Come join us on this love revolution and find what is in your way of experiencing total heart opening. 

About Today’s Guest:

Nick is an author, speaker, and spiritual guide. By going through his own crisis and spiritual awakening, he is able to show others how they can live a happier, more fulfilling life. 

Connect with Nick:

Song of the episode: 

Fancy Hagood - Forest

About the Host:

Matt Landsiedel is a transformative life coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada.

Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and highly sensitive people to develop a stronger sense of self-worth.

Matt earned his undergraduate degree in Addiction Counselling from the University of Lethbridge and has spent the last 14 years working in the fields of Mental Health & Addiction and Transformative Life Coaching where he guides people on their psychological and spiritual journey through life. 

Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his creative content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability. 

Matt's vision for this world is for us all to live with more courage so we can share our authenticity and enjoy more meaningful connections in our lives.

In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, hiking mountains, doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, playing the ukulele, taking photographs, and spending time building his coaching business.

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