Inspired to Be Authentic

How to Find Your Unique Purpose and Passion, with Caitlyn Daroy

Matt Landsiedel Episode 19

In this episode I speak with actress and fellow authenticity activist, Caitlyn Daroy. We share a deep meaningful conversation about everything authenticity. We explore in detail how to align to your authenticity and to use this alignment to find and follow your unique purpose and passions in life. We talk about barriers to living your purpose and how to remove these barriers so you can live the life your heart is yearning for.  

About Today’s Guest:

Caitlyn trained as an actress and has been working as a freelancer for the past 10 years.  

Aware of the lack of support offered to creatives and freelancers, Caitlyn founded The Authentic Project in 2017 with the intention to build a platform which offered the freelancer all-around support in order for them to thrive in their chosen profession. 

Caitlyn believes that vulnerability and raw honesty are the most powerful qualities we have as humans. They have the power to open us up to new experiences; to push us to take steps we wouldn’t normally take, and to allow us to forge real connections with people. Combine that with some focus, a healthy mind and a lot of silliness and you’ll be ready to go!

Connect with Caitlyn: 

"This Is Me" tip of the episode: 

When you feel the "wobbles" and just don't feel like being courageous to be yourself - step beyond it! Take action to step through the fear. Action is the cure to move beyond this.

Song of the episode:

Fia - Shine 

About the Host:

Matt Landsiedel is a transformative coach, intuitive, podcast host, and author from Calgary, Canada. Matt specializes in teaching people how to heal shame and embody their authentic self so they can enjoy meaningful connections in their lives. His areas of expertise are working with gay men and people with emotional eating and food addiction leading to weight issues.

Inspired to Be Authentic is a mission Matt has purposefully created. Through his content and coaching, he offers you inspiration to share more of your truth with the world. He does this by teaching you life changing skills and sharing energetic transmissions that inspire you to show up courageously in your own life by practicing vulnerability. 

In his spare time, you can find Matt traveling the world, writing, reading, working out or doing yoga, meditating and contemplating life, spending quality time with family and friends, hanging out with his cat Darryl, watching hockey, and spending time building his coaching business.

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